In keeping with PFLAG SDC’s bylaws, PFLAG SDC officers are elected every two years.  Our election will take place at all support group meeting throughout January and early February. If you are interest in running for a position, please contact Bobbi Harwood by December 15, Here is a brief description of each officer:

President (or co-Presidents): Supervise, direct, and control the business related to PFLAG SDC; preside over and present report at board meetings; attend community outreach events, public speaking engagements; public relation contact and networking.

Vice-President: In the absence of the president, perform all the duties of the president; assist president in carrying out duties; attend board meetings and present report.

Secretary: Record minutes of the board meetings; prepare and send copies of the minutes to board members prior to the next scheduled board meeting; maintain minutes on PFLAG Google Drive.

Treasurer: Keep account of all monies received and expended; make disbursements as authorized by the board; maintain check register and financial ledger; prepare monthly financial report for distribution to the board.