Many fundamental rights granted to heterosexual couples through civil marriage are denied to same sex partners. In many states, same sex partners cannot make medical decisions for each other, be recognized on their partners’ health insurance policy, or inherit property from one another without a lot of legal paperwork that may not be enough in the end. Non-biological parents in a gay partnership may have no parental rights if their partners die, leaving their children with an uncertain future without their remaining parent to care for them.

Speakers Bureau

PFLAG SDC’s Speakers Bureau is our main voice in the community. At no charge, trained and dedicated PFLAG SDC members will speak at school, college and university classrooms, businesses, community organizations, and other groups to share their experiences, answer any questions and raise awareness regarding diversity issues.

Need Speakers?

Please contact us if you know of a school or business who may be interested in having members speak at their location.

Still Work to be Done

Discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is on the rise and will continue to make it difficult for some in the community to be their authentic selves. Many parents and allies feel the need to speak out on behalf of our children, families, and friends, who are unjustly deprived of basic human and civil rights. Advocacy is an important part of PFLAG’s mission. Join us today.