Now that ENDA has passed the Senate, it needs to pass through the house of Representatives so
the President can sign it into law.

The Speaker of the House says there are enough “existing laws” in place to prohibit employers from discriminating against LGBT workers, and claims ENDA “will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs.”(3) he couldn’t be further from the truth. Most people are shocked to hear that you can still be fired for being gay in 29 states and for being transgender in 33 states.(4) Plus, there are very few LGBT employment discrimination complaints in states with ENDA-like workplace protections in place.(5)

That’s why top business leaders — including 63% of small business owners(2) — are pushing for this bill’s passage. They know discriminating against LGBT employees is wrong and only causes them to lose talented workers!

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PFLAG San Diego County Chapter

PFLAG San Diego County Chapter