The Time is Now!
Friend, your support is important now more than ever. We wouldn’t be here without the need for our services AND the generosity of people like you.
We couldn’t do the work we have done in the last year without you, and we look forward to much more action in 2023. Every day we work alongside our volunteers, supporters, communities, and other organizations to support each other, to educate, and to advocate for a safer and more inclusive world for our collective LGBTQ+ loved ones.
We hope you will join us in renewing your membership to our chapter. This year more than ever PFLAG SDC is grateful for your support and the ability to come together to stop the misunderstanding and fear mongering across our country.
While we are fortunate to live in California, we have seen legislation elsewhere to strip protections from LGBTQ+ individuals and targeting Trans children. Some local school boards have come under attack for recognizing the needs of our children and families.
Please join us in working to have 2023 be filled with more love, affirmation, and joy.
Please renew or become a member today and donate as your circumstances allow. If you’ve already renewed, thank you for your support!

50 Years of PFLAG and 40+ Years of PFLAG SDC
An exciting evolution is occurring!
Fifty years ago, PFLAG was born from an act of love. In 1973, the courageous Jeanne Manford walked alongside her gay son, Morty, in New York’s Christopher Street Liberation Day March. Her homemade sign famously read “Parents of Gays: Unite in support of our children.”
Since then, PFLAG has grown from one modest community meeting to a thriving network of chapters nationwide, with more than 325,000 members and supporters. Our aim, then and now, is to create a caring, just, and affirming world for ALL LGBTQ+ people, and those who love them.
Today PFLAG has a new logo, a new tag line – Leading with Love, new messaging, new visuals, and a new national website. You will see these changes reflected in our chapter as we celebrate over 40 years of PFLAG in San Diego County.
PFLAG National receives a portion of your chapter membership to PFLAG SDC to assist us in our evolution. Please join us.

Youth Queer Leadership Council Deadline Extended
The Center’s YQLC program is designed to increase the well-being of LGBTQ2S+ Black, Indigenous, youth of color in San Diego through community building and resource sharing. It is a closed space for BIPOC youth who identify as LGBTQ2S+ or an ally to the LGBTQ2S+ community. Youth on the council will be compensated $75 per session. The deadline for those ages 12-24 to apply for the council has been extended to February 6.

USD School of Law Name and Gender-Marker Change Clinic
This program is a partnership between USD Pride Law, THLA, and The San Diego LGBT Community Center and provides legal assistance to transgender and nonbinary individuals, including minors, seeking name and gender-marker changes through the San Diego County court system. USD School of Law students, along with volunteer attorneys, assist eligible clients with completing necessary applications and help those individuals navigate both the name and/or gender-marker change process!
Upcoming clinic dates, which are virtual, are February 7, March 14, and April 18. Appointments can be scheduled at 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, or 7:30 pm.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, email:
Changes To PFLAG SDC Metro/East County Meetings
In-person meetings begin on the 2nd Thursday of every month beginning on Thursday, February 9, at 7:00pm, at the Metropolitan Community Church: 2633 Denver Street, San Diego 92110. The church is located off I-5 at the Clairemont Drive exit East. There is parking to the right of the church, and the entrance is up the steps on Denver Street.
A Zoom meeting will also be offered at the usual time of the fourth Monday of the month from 7-8:30. Email for the Zoom link.
Call Terrie at 619-997-6139 with questions or concerns. We hope to accommodate all our Metro and East County friends in the environment that is most comfortable, as well as other members who would like to attend an in-person meeting.
The High Table at Diversionary Theater
Don’t miss The High Table at the Diversionary Theatre! Take advantage of the low-cost preview nights from February 9-17, with Opening Night on February 18. The play runs through March 5. Synopsis: Tara and Leah are planning their perfect wedding: The dresses are chosen, the venue is booked, and the invitations are mailed. But when Tara’s Nigerian parents refuse to attend, it’s not just the RSVP list that is thrown into question. Meanwhile, suspended in the stars, three of Tara’s ancestors are jolted from their rest to decide whether or not to bless her wedding. A hilarious and heartfelt story of lineage and love is played out between the heavens and earth.
Besides the low-cost preview nights, on February 10, there are complimentary tickets for active duty and veterans. Best of all, for GSA/Youth Nights, there are free tickets for middle and high school students: February 10, 8:00 pm & February 17, 8:00 pm. For tickets: The theatre is located at 4545 Park Blvd., San Diego.

Great Opportunity to Learn
Join the San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition for their first Black LGBTQ+ Human Book Experience on February 11 from 3-5:00 pm. It’s being held at the Valencia Park/Malcolm X Library, 5148 Market Street, San Diego. This program is intended for transitional-aged youth (16-25) and adults.
The event is free, but registration is suggested:
The Black LGBTQ+ Human Book Experience is an interactive learning experience where readers can ask our human books difficult questions that are expected, appreciated, and answered.
Every human book is a volunteer with lived experience who represents a group in our society that is often subjected to prejudice, stigmatization, or discrimination because of their identities, diagnosis, beliefs, disability, social status, or ethnic origin. This is a safe space for dialogue to build trust, mutual understanding, and connections with each other.

Continue to Spread The Word About PFLAG SDC 2023 Scholarships
We are proud that we are celebrating our 25th year of offering scholarships to LGBTQ+ students who reside in San Diego County.
We appreciate you spreading the word to LGBTQ+ high school seniors and full-time undergraduate/graduate students to apply for PFLAG scholarships. Half-time applicants will be considered with an explanation of the circumstances that prevents them from attending full-time. A minimum of 18 scholarships will be awarded in the amounts of $2,000 or more. Besides general academic scholarships, we award scholarships in specific areas of study: STEM, Fine and Applied Arts, LGBTQ+ Studies or history, community college, and vocation programs.
The application, requirements, and other scholarship-related info are on our web site: The deadline to apply is March 15, 2023.
Our goal is to maximize the amounts of the scholarships and to award more scholarships. You may donate any time: and either donate to the General Scholarship Fund or a specific scholarship. We are offering a recurring monthly donation option.
We are maintaining our commitment that 100% of funds donated for scholarships goes to students. All donations are 100% tax deductible (tax ID# 33-0512868). For 2022, we awarded a record 18 scholarships totaling $48,000.
The scholarship ceremony will take place in person this year on June 3, 2023.
For questions, contact

The next selection for the PFLAG SDC Book Club will be Sister Outsider, by Audre Lorde. We’ll meet Tuesday, March 28, 7-8:15 p.m on Zoom for a discussion moderated by newsletter editor Louise Julig. You must register separately for each book club meeting. Use the link below to register.
This selection is in honor of both Black History Month and Women’s History Month. Audre Lorde was a self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” who was also a civil rights activist and influential feminist. Two of her most famous essays, “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power,” and “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” are included in this collection.
We are proud to partner with Libélula Books and Co., a local queer-owned, Latinx-owned, Indigenous-owned independent bookstore at 950 South 26th Street in Barrio Logan. Check out their in-person location or buy the book through their store. If audiobooks are more your thing, check out the indie-supporting
[Note: As of press time, the book is listed as backordered on, but it should come off backorder soon. Other options are to call Libélula directly at 619.272.6381, as they typically carry it in stock or can get it quickly. If you want to try an audiobook, a membership lets you support a bookstore of your choice, and you get a bonus audiobook with your membership using the code CHOOSEINDIE.]

Human Rights Campaign MLK Day Of Service
For the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, the Human Rights Campaign partnered with San Diego LGBTQIA+ homeless youth service providers, assembling hundreds of personal hygiene bags to be distributed throughout the year by San Diego Youth Services, San Diego Unified Homeless Intake Program, Doors of Change, Monarch, Hillcrest Youth Center, Urban Street Angels & Dignity Delivers.
Pictured above with some of the bags are PFLAG SDC participants Annette Ottone, Lilia Villasenor, Kurt Dearie, Nancy Colbert, Vicki Luna, and Bill Luna.
PFLAG SDC Supports Transgender Rights And Condemns Hate In Santee
The Santee YMCA has been the site of several protests and counter-protests over an incident several weeks ago. A 17-year old female, Rebecca Philips, saw what she thought was the back of a man in the women’s locker room. She said she was frightened and hid behind the shower curtain until that person, who later identified herself to the San Diego Union-Tribune as Christynne Wood (above) left. Ms. Phillips then reported it to the staff at the YMCA. They advised Ms. Philips the person was a transgender female who was allowed to be there and that Ms. Phillips was not in any danger. They explained there is a California civil rights law requiring equal accommodations, including access to bathrooms.
Although that should have been the end of it, weeks later Ms. Phillips appeared before the Santee City Council with her complaint, video of which was later featured on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox. On January 18, a group called Santee Parents 4 Choice staged a rally in support of the complainer. The LGBTQ+ community and supporters responded with a counterprotest.
The YMCA of San Diego County issued a statement in response to criticism of its policy, saying “Our priority is that everyone is welcome and safe at our Y and we will work to ensure our privacy measures reflect that.”
On learning of the protest, Ms. Wood declared she was “thunderstruck” by the outcry but heartened by the support she had received, both from the Y and the LGBTQ+ community and supporters.
There was another protest on January 21 attended by members of Awaken Church, an organization of conservative Latinos, and others opposed to transgender rights.
PFLAG SDC is fully in support of Ms. Wood and condemns the hatred of those who wish to marginalize the trans community and strip them of their rights guaranteed by state law.

Let’s Hear It For Spider-Man
The latest installment of the Spider-Man franchise is taking a bold new direction, with the beloved superhero being reimagined as a Black and Hispanic teenager who is also openly gay. In a move that has been praised by many, Marvel has decided to make the character a representation of the modern world, where diversity and inclusion are increasingly being accepted as the norm. However, this decision has also been met with some criticism, with some people arguing that the character’s sexuality and ethnicity should not be highlighted in the way that Marvel has chosen to do so.
The new Spider-Man is Miles Morales who is half-Black, half-Latino teen from Brooklyn. His ethnicity has been widely praised by fans, as it adds a much-needed level of diversity to the Marvel universe, and gives young people of color a hero they can relate to. Miles Morales is a symbol of hope and progress and will hopefully serve as an inspiration to young people everywhere.

PFLAG National has come out with a new, helpful glossary on its redesigned website. Keep this glossary bookmarked to look up everything from AFAB to Nibling to Two-Spirit.

PFLAG Connects: Communities Meetings
PFLAG Connects: Communities provides a safe, virtual, facilitated space where people with shared experiences can connect each month. Our current communities gather people of Latino, Black/African American, and Asian American and Pacific Islander backgrounds–and people from military families–to gain support, ask questions, and learn from others who have been through similar experiences.
Learn more at!
Thank You To Our Donors!
Thanks to the following individuals who donated to PFLAG SDC this past month:
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Kurt Dearie
Jennifer Greengerg
Alana Robinson
Lisa Thompson
Phyllis Van Wanseele
Susan Weaver
And thanks to our regular monthly donors to PFLAG San Diego County. A monthly donation helps provide predictable sources of funding for our programs and scholarships and we appreciate it very much!
Donna and Jim Bowersox
Lonnie Brunini
Anna Covici
Charles Kaminski
Stephen Miller and Michael Wasilewski
Maureen Steiner
Terrie Vorono
☎️ 988 Suicide Prevention Hotline Now In Place
The nonprofit that operates the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline launched a pilot program for LGBTQ individuals, veterans, and anyone who feels they may be experiencing a mental health crisis; you may call or text 988.
One of the goals is to dramatically decrease the number of calls made to 911 in the time of crisis, as 911 wasn’t set up to address mental health needs. Please note, this new program does not track your location.
Support Groups
❗️Note: some support group information has changed since last month
Support groups will continue to meet virtually until further notice. Check individual group for details. We encourage you to contact your support group facilitator at any time, as they will remain excellent resources for information. The support group locations, dates, and times will continue to be posted on the PFLAG San Diego County Facebook page. You can join in any of the digital meetings. For Zoom links, contact each support group.
Last Month for Amazon Smile
[Note: Amazon has announced it will be ending its Amazon Smile program as of February 20, 2023]
If you have an account with Amazon, you can help our chapter every time you shop. Go to and search for PFLAG San Diego County. For every purchase, our chapter will receive .05% of the dollar amount of the order.
Our Vision
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Our Mission
By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through: Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ+; Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ+; Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ+.