This Sunday, Nov 14 – see For the Bible Tells Me So, the foremost documentary film today that deals with the recent history of homosexuality and American Christianity, including interviews with young adult gay Christians and their church-affiliated family members, interviews with theologians and biblical scholars with alternative interpretation of scripture. The doc film also has a short section on scientific research on homosexuality. Every Christian should see this film. AGC Programming:
- Nov 21 – We will take three different films to the session. Those present will choose one of the three titles for viewing. (Titles to be announced in advance next week.)
- Nov 28 – No meeting – Thanksgiving Weekend
For the past three academic years, All God’s Children of First Nazarene (AGC) has met almost weekly (except during some university breaks) on Sundays, 2:30-4:30, at San Diego First Church of the Nazarene, 3901 Lomaland Dr., Ellipse building, main level, Bowes Conference Room. All are welcomed. Sessions are dedicated to an open discussion of LGBT issues and faith. Participants are asked to respectfully listen to and engage in a variety of contributions to discussion in a spirit of honest inquiry. Moderators ask participants to honor the announced program topic and to be courteous to speakers.