If anyone knows of a real estate company, community theater, any other church or bussiness that could help please copy and post on your pages.We need a small meeting room in Rancho Bernardo once a month that will do so much good for so many people.Help!ThankyouPatti BomanBe the change that you want to see in the world
Dear Everybody,
This coming Tuesday, MAY be the the last meeting of our “PFLAG No.County
Inland Group”. We’ve been so successful, thanks to you, in giving your trust
and allowing us to share in your lives. We’re here to support and educate
you during a difficult time for a member of your family, or person you know
who is “in trouble” and in some cases it’s about you and the heartache in
possibly losing friends/family.
Our hearts have gone out to you and we’ve been there to help you and others,
to be comfortable with the subject and to learn how to handle the issue of
“homosexuality”. Weve shared our stories openly and (many times…) with a
hug and a box of tissues, you’ve shared back and we’ve talked …, openly.
We are in desperate need….. Our PFLAG group is losing our meeting room.
The San Diego Nat’l Bank (which has been wonderful!) was merged into US Bank
branch, located across the street, on Bernardo Center Dr.. We immediately
approached them for a meeting room….but they said that they had none!
Anyway, the library closes too early, the meeting rooms in the new wing of
Pomerado Hospital are not available in the evening, the local “club houses”
aren’t private……. and due to our “crazy” situation, with Ernie being
hospitalized twice already this year and us trying to rebuild our home, etc.
after the fire…..
we just haven’t been able to do our best at knocking on doors.
We hope to stay in RB, because it’s centralized and easy to get to…..we
have to find a location that can be open to us one evening a month, provides
privacy…and is free (we are a non-profit organization).
We hope you’ll continue to support your membership in PFLAG, so that you can
“be there” for others…….I hope we’ll find a location quickly, (anybody
know the hotel business??? Maybe we can use one of their meeting rooms!!!)
but if not, you’ll still be getting a note from us monthly…..and we’re
only a phone call away: (858)673-4560
Take care….and we’ll see you on Tuesday –
Sue & Ernie