Subject: Rally & Town Hall on the Day of Decision in the Prop 8 Trial!!!

Please promote and forward widely!!!

This event was planned together by members of the LGBT Center, SAME, EQCA, ME USA, HRC, the ACLU, SDDC, SYD, the ISO, CA Faith for Equality, and others.  These are the community’s plans for the day the decision is delivered from Judge Walker in the Prop 8 trial, which you can make sure you are notified of by joining this facebook link, or checking your email daily in the days to come, since the decision can be released at any time, as early as Monday next week:

Day of Decision Action Plan:

6:00PM:  Win or lose, we RALLY
at 6th & University to respond to Judge Walker’s decision.

6:30PM:  We MARCH
down University to the LGBT Center

7:00PM:  TOWN HALL at the LGBT Center with the following lineup:

              1.  Welcome from the LGBT Center
              2.  Honoring Mayor Jerry Sanders for his testimony for the plaintiffs in the trial
              3.  Next steps from Marriage Equality USA
              4.  Next steps from Equality California
              5.  Next steps from San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality
              6.  Legal debrief from Kevin Keenan of the ACLU
              7.  Audience Q&A

(Flyer attached.)