House PASSES HB 444 (Civil Unions)


In case you have not heard all of your hard work paid off last night and the House in a stunning move PASSED HB 444 (the Civil Unions bill) at the 11th hour with a vote of 31 to 20.

This is GREAT NEWS! We could not have done this without your support and for that I will be forever grateful!

I have a couple of things to ask of you all to keep this great momentum going and that we will see Civil Unions will become law in the State of Hawaii:

1) Please send a Mahalo note to the 31 that voted YES. Here they all are and their e-mails are below:

Della Au Belatti, Lyla Berg, Joe Bertram, Tom Brower, Rida Cabanilla, Mele Carroll, Pono Chong, Denny Coffman, Faye Hanohano, Robert Herkes, Jon Riki Karamatsu, GIlbert Keith-Agaran, Chris Lee, Marilyn Lee, Sylvia Luke, Barbara Marumoto, Angus McKelvey, Hermina Morita, Mark Nakashima, Scott Nishimoto, Blake Oshiro, Marcus Oshiro, Karl Rhoads, Scott Saiki, Calvin Say, Maile Shimabukuro, Roy Takumi, Cynthia Thielen, Glenn Wakai, Jessica Wooley and Kyle Yamashita – (for the other contact info,,,,,r,,,

2) Then send a message (call, e-mail and/or fax) to our Governor Linda Lingle asking her to sign this piece of historic legislation into law. Here is her contact information:
Constituent Services – Phone: (808) 586-0221 or (808) 586-0222
Fax: (808) 586-0019 On-line Contact form – or e-mail at

Governor’s Office – Phone: 808 586-0034 Fax: 808 586-0006

3) Send a Letter to the Editor of the local daily papers saying why you support Civil Unions or why the Governor needs to sign the bill into law. Here are links to their contact info

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Honolulu Star-Bulletin –

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