As you may have heard, the bishops in Minnesota are engaged in a campaign of discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies.
In the last month alone:
Archbishop Nienstedt of the St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese worked with a national anti-gay political organization and, along with other bishops in the state, sent hundreds of thousands of DVDs to Catholic households condemning the freedom to marry for same-gender couples An artist-in-residence at St Mary’s Basilica in St. Paul was suspended for her desire to create an art installation with some of the same DVDs. A group of students, women religious and a monk who wore rainbow ribbons and emblems were denied communion by Archbishop Nienstedt.
When will this rash of hatred end?
You can help stop it right now.
If you live in Minnesota, please send a letter to the editor to reach out to your fellow Minnesotans to ask that they stand with you in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
If you live in another state you can send a letter to the Minnesota news outlets or, if your own local bishop has taken a stand against marriage equality recently, please consider writing a letter to your local news outlet.
Letters to the editor should be about 250 words, refer to the recent stand by your bishop and share your own views. A good message to include is:
I am a Catholic, and rooted in Jesus’ teachings on love, I support the freedom to marry for my (son, daughter, neighbors, friend, parishioner, my fellow citizens, etc) who is/are in a loving, long-term same-gender relationship.
Letters to the editor are important because they reach thousands of fellow Catholics and citizens, helping them to understand the bishop does not speak for all Catholics and that it is OK for Catholics to have their own beliefs. You can help turn the tide to support marriage equality.
See below for a list of newspapers in Minnesota or chose your own local newspaper to submit your letter. It takes 5 minutes of your time but makes a world of difference to the more than 625,000 Catholics in Minnesota…and the thousands of couples who are denied the freedom to marry in Minnesota and across the country.
For faith and justice,
Jim FitzGerald, Executive Director
Choose a newspaper and either email or click the link to submit your letter to the editor.
Bloomington Sun-Current
Mankato Free Press
Minnesota Star Tribune
Duluth News Tribune
Rochester Post Bulletin,
St. Cloud Times,
St. Paul Pioneer Press,
Winona Post
Stop the discrimination!
Write a letter to the editor and say
“I am Catholic and
I support marriage equality.”
(see list of newspapers to the left)
More Information
Call To Action | 2135 West Roscoe Street 1N | Chicago | IL | 60618