The San Diego LGBT Community Center’s 15th Annual Dining Out For Life (DOFL) is back again this year, from Thursday-Sunday, April 29-May 2.
This event is designed to fight HIV and also support local businesses to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Participating restaurants, bars, coffeehouses, and nightclubs in San Diego will donate a portion of their sales to The Center’s HIV/AIDS services and prevention programs.
Go to
VIDA is awarding 3 – $1,000.00 scholarships for this upcoming fall semester 2021. Scholarships will be awarded to those LGBTQ Latinx individuals who have made a positive impact in our community and plan to change the world for the better. Scholarships are awarded to those individuals attending school in Tijuana, BC, MX or San Diego County. To apply, visit
Next AAPI Support Group Sunday May 16
PFLAG San Diego County successfully launched our new AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) support group in April. A project of love over a year in the making, this space was modeled after the amazing work of San Gabriel Valley API PFLAG. Over 20 participants attended our first meeting, joining from New York, Arizona, the Bay and Los Angeles areas of California, and of course San Diego.
Facilitators Annette Ottone, Chris Mok from San Diego Pride’s QAPIMEDA (Queer Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American) Coalition, and PFLAG SDC President Tiffany Gonzalez welcomed our attendees and began the meeting by screening A Love Letter, a short film produced by our friends in San Gabriel Valley. In true PFLAG fashion, the welcoming and safe environment spoke to all who joined. One father expressed his relief and joy to find others who share his experience and excitedly relayed that he will definitely be back. We encourage you to share this fantastic support group offering to anyone with AAPI heritage or affiliation navigating an LGBTQ+ journey.
Our meetings will occur monthly on the second Sunday from 3-5 p.m. However, in May, due to Mother’s Day, it will meet on May 16, returning in June to the second Sunday. For more info, email We are thankful to all the individuals, families, and community partners who worked to make this group possible and proud to share the story of one of our very own PFLAG San Diego County families published in the LGBTQ San Diego County News. Read the article here:
Name And Gender Marker Clinic
In coordination with USD Law and Tom Homann LGBT Law Association, The San Diego LGBT Community Center is proud to be hosting this summer’s Name & Gender Marker Clinic.
The clinic helps transgender and nonbinary adults complete paperwork to obtain a court order for name and/or gender-marker changes on official documents (e.g. passports) and also helps parents and guardians complete the paperwork for their transgender or nonbinary minor children.
To schedule an appointment, email transclinic.sandiego@
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s Day
Join in solidarity with the Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition, Inc. in memory of missing and murdered Indigenous women on May 5th at Balboa Park
A Groovy Moovie Revioo…
By Vicki Luna (She, Her, Hers)
Glee—The Series
Like me, lots of us possibly loved this series when it first appeared in 2009. Well…those stellar voices and performing abilities of the kids in the Glee Club at McKinley High lured me back a second time to having such a blast watching it again!
The intertwining of their home and school lives combined with those of some teachers you love and other ones you love to hate makes for a totally addicting montage of situations that keep you guessing. Included gloriously in this fabulous family of Glee kids is Kurt, our main rainbow guy! His and others’ journeys with their LGBTQ+ness are such a mix of emotions from which they learn and grow through the seasons. One dad’s unconditional love and affirmation of his son comes through in heroic and poignant ways that create the solid love and trust his boy needs to survive his teen years and beyond.
PFLAG even gets a plug in one of the episodes! Treasure Hunt: See if you can find which one! (that is if you can stop singing along long enough ) Hint: Let’s see what happens at the Prom…
Happy bingeing!
Starring Chris Coffer, Jane Lynch, Lea Michele, it can be found on Amazon and Netflix
Statement from PFLAG National on Justice for George Floyd
Brian K. Bond, Executive Director of PFLAG National, put out this statement, which said, in part… “George Floyd died at the hands of discrimination-based violence that made his life less important for police to serve and protect than others. This is wrong and PFLAG National, along with hundreds of thousands of PFLAGers across the country, will continue to fight for the lives and rights of Black people and against systemic racism and bias-based violence.”
PFLAG National Board Member Dr. Edith Guffey testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee to pass H.R.5, the civil rights legislation known as the Equality Act. As Conference Minister of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ, an African American woman, and a mother whose son is trans and nonbinary, Dr. Guffey shared her personal experience as a reflection of how her family is impacted without the legal protections the Equality Act will offer.
Support Groups
NOTE: Some support groups have changed since last month
Individual support groups will continue to meet virtually, as well as the monthly virtual Countywide Support Group meeting. We encourage you to contact your support group facilitator at any time, as they will remain excellent resources for information. The support group locations, dates, and times will continue to be posted on the PFLAG San Diego County Facebook page. You can join in any of the digital meetings. For Zoom links, contact each support group.
Do You Shop On Amazon?
If you have an account with Amazon, you can help our chapter every time you shop. Go to and search for PFLAG San Diego County. For every purchase, our chapter will receive .05% of the dollar amount of the order. This may not sound like a lot, but it adds up with the more people we have participating. Now that more of us are ordering online than ever due to the pandemic, it’s the perfect time to use Amazon Smile to support PFLAG.
Our Vision
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression
Our Mission
By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through: Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ; Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ; Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ.