Friend, this month’s newsletter is jam-packed! In addition to events to help you celebrate Halloween and Día de los Muertos, be sure to check out multiple arts offerings, the Trans Day of Remembrance, LGBT Veterans’ Wall of Honor induction, and our latest Movie Revioo among other announcements. It’s also not too early to think about renewing your PFLAG SDC membership, scholarships for next year, and running for office to help lead PFLAG SDC. All the info is below, starting with two exciting updates from PFLAG National.
New Resources From PFLAG National
The PFLAG National Convention was held virtually in October and announced one new and one updated resource we wanted to let you know about.
- Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild: In partnership with SAGE (Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders)—and with a foreword by Dear Abby—SUPPORTING YOUR LGBTQ+ GRANDCHILD offers support for grandparents about what to do when a grandchild comes out. Full of useful knowledge, answers to common questions, and helpful tips, this is a must-read for any grandparent looking to learn more about how to support LGBTQ grandkids…or looking for support for themselves. Available for free download in English and Spanish!
- Faith in Our Families has been recently updated. Discovering that a loved one is LGBTQ+ can pose new questions about your faith and may prompt you to re-evaluate beliefs that you previously took for granted. By using personal experiences from families of faith as well as faith leaders from a broad variety of traditions, this publication, updated in 2021, provides examples for reconciling your faith with the knowledge that a loved one is LGBTQ+, and broad resources to help you on the path. Faith In Our Families free PDF download

Nightmare On Normal Street👻
Hillcrest’s haunted Halloween dance party is back! What a perfect way to kick off Halloween Weekend with a Nightmare Prom Theme this Friday, October 29 from 5-11:00 pm. You can’t go wrong with this ghoulish block party complete with costume competition (including runway), outdoor bars, and live entertainment. Nightmare on Normal Street will take over Pride Flag Plaza (at Normal Street and University Avenue). This is an event you won’t want to miss!
This event is hosted by Hillcrest Business Association and proceeds benefit the San Diego LGBT Community Center and Hillcrest Business Association. Pre-sale general admission tickets are now available for only $20. You can eat, drink, and be scary with a VIP pass for $45, which includes two cocktails, food credit, private restrooms, and private stage viewing. Ticket prices will increase to $25 for General Admission and $55 for VIP on the day of the event.

Asian Film Festival Shorts: Shamelessly Queer
The 22nd annual film festival runs from October 28-November 6. As we do every year, PFLAG SDC is co-presenting several short, queer films. The films are this Saturday, October 30 at 5:45 pm. For info on the films: We have a limited amount of free tickets. If you are interested, please email If you wish to purchase tickets, they are $12 per ticket.

Be a VIDA Supporter!
PFLAG SDC is a one of the many proud sponsors of VIDA community’s Día de los Muertos fundraiser, scheduled for this Monday, November 1 between 6 – 9 pm at Urban MO’s. Executive Director Esteban Duarte is inviting the LGBTQ+ community and asking for your support. Highlights will include performances by Mariachi Continental de San Diego and Día De Los Muertos Painted Face Contest. All the money raised will provide scholarships for next year, more HIV test kits, and outreach to the community. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $10. Urban Mo’s is located at 308 University Avenue in Hillcrest.
VIDA was formed in 2014 to foster HIV education to help reduce and hopefully eliminate HIV among Latinx youth. They do this in many ways, including hosting informational booths at events all over San Diego such as Latinx Pride, National Latina AIDS Awareness Day, and Out at the Fair. Recently they began providing free take-home HIV tests at these events. For more information:

LGBT Veterans Wall Of Honor
Please join the San Diego LGBT Center virtually on November 4 from 6-7:00 pm for the annual Benjamin F. Dillingham III & Bridget Wilson LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor Induction Ceremony. We are proud that PFLAG San Diego County President Tiffany Gonzalez (above) was chosen to be inducted. It is quite an honor. Tiffany is a retired U.S. Navy veteran.
The ceremony will be live-streamed from The Center’s Facebook page and will include a brief program with a Presentation of Colors, the National Anthem, recognition of inductees, and special remarks.
These veterans have taken the oath to serve our country and have done so honorably, and with distinction, acting as role models in advancing equality. The LGBT Veterans Wall commemorates these veterans’ lives in hopes that their courage, bravery, and sacrifices will continue to inspire future generations.

SD Women’s Chorus: Unstoppable!
The San Diego Women’s Chorus, with Artistic Director Kathleen Hansen, presents Unstoppable, a virtual concert performance. Concerts are November 6 at 7:00 pm and November 7 at 3:00. The concerts are free and may be viewed on YouTube on November 6 and on Facebook November 7.
The San Diego Women’s Chorus (SDWC) is a lesbian-identified, feminist sisterhood of musicians that welcomes members and volunteers from the vastly diverse LGBTQ and straight-ally communities. Founded in 1987 by community activist Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace, SDWC has grown from a group of 14 lesbians gathered around a piano in a private home to a thriving community with over 150 members who believe in the power of music and the power of women. For over 30 years, SDWC has provided a safe space that encourages women’s creativity, celebrates diversity, and inspires social action. Listen to be inspired.

Transgender Day Of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. When information is available on the LGBT Center’s event we will post it on PFLAG SDC’s website and Facebook page.
Additionally, the week before TDOR, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise visibility for transgender people and address issues the community faces.
This is a time we memorialize, honor, and celebrate the lives tragically lost due to fatal anti-transgender violence and discrimination. These senseless murders are a global and national crisis that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, and migrant transgender womxn of color. TDOR is a day started in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith who began a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed a year earlier. Since then, it has become an important day to honor all of those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia and hate.
There’s Still Time To Buy Mama’s Pies
Mama’s Kitchen kicked off its 17th Annual Mama’s Pies Fundraiser and will continue until November 24. This is a bake-sale fundraising program that benefits Mama’s Kitchen—San Diego’s only free, county-wide home-delivered meals program for individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. Volunteers sell Thanksgiving pies that are generously donated and baked by local caterers, casinos, restaurants, and bakeries.
Each pie sold allows Mama’s Kitchen to cook, prepare, and deliver 12 nutritious meals to their clients. Pies sell for $30 each with $15 being tax-deductible – you can’t go wrong! The choices are: apple, Dutch apple, pecan, and pumpkin. On a diet? Consider buying a “Love-A-Client Pie” (a donated pie) for just $30 or make a donation.
Purchasing is as simple as pie! You can order directly online: and credit one of the 90 teams or individuals or order directly with the individuals. On Wednesday, November 24 (the day before Thanksgiving), you can pick up your pie order at one of the Public Pie Pickup Sites.

Diversionary Theatre Is Back!
After extensive remodeling, the theatre is in full swing for their 36th season. Diversionary’s next play is Azul, November 18-December 19. Synopsis: Memories of Yadra’s childhood in Castro’s Cuba come flooding back as Alzheimer’s sets in, inspiring her daughter Zelia to connect with her heritage. With her wife by her side, Zelia sets out on a journey to excavate family secrets and discover a love that led her mother’s beloved tía-abuela to remain in Cuba. Spanning two countries and three generations, Azul fuses music and memory to explore a romance for the ages and the true language of love.
To purchase tickets: The Diversionary Theatre is located at 4545 Park Blvd., San Diego. Box office: 619-220-0097.
World AIDS Day Tree Of Life Celebration
On December 1 at 6:00 pm, please join Mama’s Kitchen and Village Hillcrest to commemorate World AIDS Day by recognizing and remembering those affected by AIDS, as well as the ongoing leadership efforts made to end the epidemic. The ceremony will take place at the Village Hillcrest Retail Center, 3965 Fifth Avenue in Hillcrest.
You can attend this free event in person. Please bring your own candle for the candlelight vigil. The Tree of Life Celebration will include: tree lighting, candlelight vigil, holiday musical performances, special guest speakers including local elected officials.
If you wish to attend virtual ceremony, you may do so via Facebook or YouTube.
You can dedicate a Tree of Life personalized heart ornament in memory of a loved one, in honor of a friend, or as a message of support. One heart is $15 and two are $25. The ornaments will hang on the tree in the center of the Village Hillcrest Plaza on the night of the event and throughout the month of December. To purchase, visit
Jingle Is Live This Year
The San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus will be performing a live for the first time in more than 18 months. Concerts are on December 11 at 8 pm and December 12 at 3 pm at the Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Avenue, downtown San Diego. You can order tickets online below.
As always holiday favorites will be featured, along with new music, and the usual surprises you’ve come to expect from the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus. Safety protocols will be in place.
PFLAG SDC Election Time Again
In keeping with PFLAG SDC’s bylaws, PFLAG SDC officers are elected every two years. Our election will take place at all support group meeting throughout January and early February. If you are interest in running for a position, please contact Bobbi Harwood by December 15, 2021: Here is a brief description of each officer:
President (or co-Presidents): Supervise, direct, and control the business related to PFLAG SDC; preside over and present report at board meetings; attend community outreach events, public speaking engagements; public relation contact and networking.
Vice-President: In the absence of the president, perform all the duties of the president; assist president in carrying out duties; attend board meetings and present report.
Secretary: Record minutes of the board meetings; prepare and send copies of the minutes to board members prior to the next scheduled board meeting; maintain minutes on PFLAG Google Drive.
Treasurer: Keep account of all monies received and expended; make disbursements as authorized by the board; maintain check register and financial ledger; prepare monthly financial report for distribution to the board.
A Groovie Movie Revioo …
By Vicki Luna (She, Her, Hers)
“The Half Of It”
Leah Lewis, Daniel Diemar, Alexis Yamire
Written and directed by Alice Wu
Asian American and Pacific Islander Collection of Netflix PG13 2020
Confident, 17 yr. old Ellie Chu never thought she needed anyone else in her life besides herself. Living with dad in the fairly mundane, mainstream small town of Squahamish, Washington …SHE is anything but mainstream.
Her stellar intellect and clever entrepreneurship are not noticed by her clueless peers except by the ones who become clients of her lucrative “business.”
Just when Ellie starts to wonder if there is more to life…She starts REALLY noticing another student….a new experience. And an unfamiliar space inside of her is noticed too even though she fights against the need to fill it.
Finally, she decides to make a bold stroke in her young life because “If you never make a bold stroke…You’ll never know if you could have had a great painting!”
Can’t say much more or you’ll be pretty irritated with me for being a big-time spoiler! But I can say that this one is very excellent, beautiful, intelligent, sad and oh so innocent and real.
Perfect for a fine family flick night!

Get In The Membership Spirit!
It’s that time of year again where we are asking you to renew your membership for 2022 or join PFLAG SDC for the first time. Renewals or new memberships received now through the end of December are valid until December, 2022. The memberships enable us to continue to provide monthly support group meetings, an info line, newsletter, educational brochures, tabling events, tabling merchandise, and support other LGBTQ+ organizations.
You can renew (or become members) using the link below. We accept PayPal and major credit cards. For your convenience, on the membership and donation pages, you can make monthly recurring donations. If you prefer to pay via mail, please send check, made payable to: PFLAG San Diego County, P.O. Box 82762, San Diego, CA 92138. All donations are welcomed and are tax deductible.
Your membership is important to us as it strengthens our presence in the community and gives us many opportunities to have our voices heard. We support National PFLAG by sending $15 of your dues to them, which provides you with membership in the national organization. Please don’t renew directly with National, as no part of that benefits our San Diego chapter.
Thank you for being part of our continuing effort to provide support, education, and advocacy on behalf of our LGBTQ+ community, their families, friends, and allies.
Announcing PFLAG SDC Scholarships
PFLAG San Diego County is gearing up for our 25th year of offering scholarships to LGBTQ students who reside in San Diego County. The application, requirements, and other scholarship-related info will be on our web site by mid-late November at
We are proud to continue our affiliation with The San Diego Foundation (TSDF). The Foundation is well regarded for its philanthropy and fiduciary management throughout our region. Our scholarships will continue to be selected through our own Scholarship Committee. We are maintaining our commitment that 100% of funds donated for scholarships goes to students. We encourage you to donate at All donations are 100% tax deductible (tax ID# 33-0512868). You may also make recurring donations.
We appreciate you spreading the word to LGBTQ high school seniors and full-time undergraduate/graduate students to apply for PFLAG scholarships. Half-time applicants will be considered with an explanation of the circumstances that prevents them from attending full-time. A minimum of 12 scholarships will be awarded in the amounts of $2000 or more. Our motto is “Change a life, change the world.” Help us continue to change lives.
For questions, contact
San Diego Queer Youth Chorus
The San Diego Queer Youth Chorus (SDQYC) is welcoming new members for the only chorus in the State of California of LGBTQIA2+ and allied middle and high school students.
SDQYC encourages and fosters artistic expression, personal development, and leadership in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning intersex and allied youth, and presents musical performances that provide an opportunity and space for young people, however they identify, to say “this is a place where I am accepted for who I am and everything that I bring.”
SDQYC is led by Founding Artistic Director Lindsey Deaton. It operates under the guidance, support, and direction of a committee comprising representatives from San Diego Pride, San Diego Women’s Chorus, and the SDQYC AD, Lindsey Deaton. Contact to apply.

PFLAG SDC Board member Annette Ottone, with daughters Sarah and Olivia, participated in the Washington, DC Women’s Rally/March in Federal Plaza on October 2, 2021. “It was so emotional to be able do this with my daughters in a collective attempt to preserve history and our rights as women!”

PFLAG T-Shirts for Sale!
Make a fashion statement! For sale are PFLAG San Diego County 100% cotton T-shirts. It’s a mauve shirt with the PFLAG SDC logo on the back and a heart with the word “family” in different languages on the upper right on the front. Shirts can be purchased for $10 each. Sizes are Small through X-Large. To purchase, please contact
Support Groups
❗️Note: some support group information has changed since last month
Most support groups will continue to meet virtually until further notice. Check individual group for details. We encourage you to contact your support group facilitator at any time, as they will remain excellent resources for information. The support group locations, dates, and times will continue to be posted on the PFLAG San Diego County Facebook page. You can join in any of the digital meetings. For Zoom links, contact each support group.
Do You Shop On Amazon?
If you have an account with Amazon, you can help our chapter every time you shop. Go to and search for PFLAG San Diego County. For every purchase, our chapter will receive .05% of the dollar amount of the order. This may not sound like a lot, but it adds up. So turn your Amazon habit into support for PFLAG!
Our Vision
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Our Mission
By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through: Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ+; Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ+; Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ+.