Imperial Valley Pride
The Imperial Valley LGBT Resource Center will be hosting its 6th Annual Pride Festival Saturday, October 9 from 5-10 pm at Stark Field Park on Lenrey & 4th in El Centro. Vendors (art, food, clothes, baked goods, etc.) are wanted. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please call 760-592-4066 or email Pride@ivlgbtcenter.com f
Imperial Valley is also the location of our newest support group. For more information, please contact Facilitator Ali Cook at imperialvalleysdc@pflag.com

South Bay Pride Ride Is Now Rainbow Ride!
The name has changed, but the event is the same! You are invited to attend the South Bay RAINBOW RIDE on October 9. The mission is to engage members of the South Bay community in a celebration of PRIDE, displaying that our city is a safe space where the LGBTQ+ community will always be accepted. Meeting time is 10:00 am at the Chula Vista Mall on the north Sears adjacent parking lot. You can either come with your car already decked out in its LGBTQ+ glory or decorate when you arrive at 10:00. The caravan will leave promptly at 11:00 am and follow H Street East to Otay Lakes Road, then turn south, and on Birch Road turn east. Once on Birch Road, follow it to Otay Ranch Town Center. We will circle around the Center, finishing at the Palm divide, north of the food court (or you can just follow the leader!) Rainbow Ride will be in honor of National Coming Out Day, October 11.
Unfortunately due to the Covid surge there will not be a festival again this year. BUT we are all looking forward to a fabulous one next year! There will, however, be a contest at the end of the Ride with different categories for best decorated vehicles. Also, please bring a great sign to demonstrate your solidarity for Riding with Pride day and so we can gather them at the end for a fabulous group signs pic! See You There!
For questions, please contact Madison Beck at cvpridecarparade@gmail.com

North County LGBTQ Gala
The North County Resource Center’s annual Gala is back, in person and outdoors! Please join the North County LGBTQ Resource Center’s Gala on October 10 from 3-6 pm at the El Corazon Senior Center, 3302 Senior Center Drive in Oceanside. The Center is also celebrating its 10th anniversary. Tickets are $125 and can be purchased at https://www.ncresourcecenter.org/2021-gala. This fundraising is instrumental in The Resource Center’s ability to support, build, educate, and improve the relationships of the North County LGBTQ+ community. Services include support groups for youth, seniors, military service members, HIV/AIDS testing and prevention, counseling, civil rights advocacy, classes, and workgroups.

2Spirit LGBTQ Wellness Conference
The Strong Hearted Native Women Coalition is sponsoring its first annual LGBTQ 2Spirit Wellness Conference from October 19-21 at Sycuan Resort and Casino.
Two-Spirit LGBTQ topics within the Tribal and urban communities will include human trafficking, intimate violence, domestic violence, and sexual assault. You may attend In-person or via Zoom. For information and to register: https://sdpride.org/events/

2021 Art of Pride
The Images of Pride Art Exhibition will be on display weekdays from 10:00 am-4:00 pm through October 31 at the San Diego Pride office. This photographic exhibition includes LGBTQ folks and their allies, covering 47 years of San Diego Pride. It also features a photo of PFLAG SDC Past President Bobbi Harwood and her daughter, Dana taken at the infamous downpour Pride Parade in 2015. The San Diego Pride office is located 3620 30th Street in North Park. For more information, contact artofpride@gmail.com or check out their website: sdpride.org/art.

Dia De Los Meurtos Fundraiser For VIDA
The LGBTQ+ community is invited to support VIDA at this year’s Día de los Muertos fundraiser scheduled for Monday, November 1 from 6-9 pm at Urban MO’s. Highlights will include performances by Mariachi Continental de San Diego and a Día De Los Muertos Painted Face Contest. All the money raised will provide scholarships for next year, more HIV test kits, and outreach to the community. Tickets are $10 each and go on sale in October.
VIDA was formed in 2014 to foster HIV education to help reduce and hopefully eliminate HIV among Latinx youth. They do this in many ways, including hosting informational booths at events all over San Diego such as Latinx Pride, National Latina AIDS Awareness Day, and Out at the Fair. Recently they began providing free take-home HIV tests at these events. For more information: https://vida.
A Groovie Movie Revioo …
By Vicki Luna (She, Her, Hers)
Atypical…Netflix series (2021)
The beautiful rainbow aspect of this series doesn’t appear until later in the season, but I’ve been thoroughly enjoying being intrigued by this well-acted story of a not-so-typical family.
The star and total focus of this unique household is Sam, a young man on the autism spectrum who is emerging into adulthood. The fam has been myopically centered on this wonderous guy since he was born. Understandable. But as Sam begins to embark on more adult adventures, Mom, Dad, and younger sister begin to also discover who they are as individuals beyond their roles as constant caretakers.
The changing of the family dynamic in the later episodes is both poignant and rejuvenating. I especially loved the brilliant performance of Sam’s best friend and co-worker, Zahid.
Created by Robia Rashid, starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Keir Gilchrist, Michael Rappaport, Bridget Lundy Pain ….TV 14.

Grant Received
Our chapter grant committee has come out swinging. The first grant we applied for was accepted and we received $2,000 to translate LGBTQ+ resources into AAPI languages. Way to go! This is the first of many grants we hope to receive.

Women’s Equality Day
PFLAG members Annette Ottone, Carina Kazmierowicz, and Kathy Cien-Mayer attended Women’s Equality Day sponsored by The Women’s Museum of California. The speakers were inspiring, but it seemed San Diego’s own LGBTQ activist Toni Atkins hit it out of the ballpark. Toni has many “firsts.” She was the first woman and first LGBTQ Senate President, followed by her current position of being the first woman and first LBBTQ, President pro tempore of the California State Senate. She has led a fascinating life. Pictured above are Annette and Carina.
AIDS Walk a Success
Once again, PFLAG San Diego County met our goal, raising $1,045 for The LGBT Center’s AIDS Walk & Run San Diego. Thank you to donors Terrie Vorono, Nancy Colbert, Bill Luna, Louise Julig, Phyllis Van Wanseele, Donna Bowersox, Elizabeth Reese, and Sherry Cohen-Richards.
The Center sponsors the AIDS Walk because it is San Diego’s largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser and the biggest non-governmental financial provider for HIV/AIDS support in San Diego County. Dozens of agencies serving thousands of clients rely on funds raised at the annual Walk/Run to help provide essential prevention and care programs to thousands of men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS. Our visible support for this event shows people living with HIV that they are not alone.
Below are some photos of the event, including PFLAG SDC walkers Terrie Vorono and Sherry Cohen-Richards (not the Lone Rangers!), and an altar remembering loved ones.

PFLAG SDC Election Time Again
PFLAG SDC officer elections will take place electronically in January 2022. More details will appear in the November Newsletter. Now is the time to consider—could you serve the LGBTQ+ community as an officer in our organization? Four positions, listed below, will be elected for two-year terms. If you are interested in running, please email your position of interest and bio to Bobbi Harwood at bharwood@pflag.com by Decem
President (or co-Presidents): Supervise, direct, and control the business related to PFLAG SDC; preside over and present report at board meetings; attend community outreach events, public speaking engagements; public relation contact and networking.
Vice-President: In the absence of the president, perform all the duties of the president; assist president in carrying out duties; attend board meetings and present report.
Secretary: Record minutes of the board meetings; prepare and send copies of the minutes to board members prior to the next scheduled board meeting; maintain minutes on PFLAG SDC Google Drive.
Treasurer: Keep account of all monies received and expended; make disbursements as authorized by the board; maintain check register and financial ledger; prepare monthly financial report for distribution to the board.

PFLAG T-Shirts for Sale!
Make a fashion statement! For sale are PFLAG San Diego County 100% cotton T-shirts. It’s a mauve shirt with the PFLAG SDC logo on the back and a heart with the word “family” in different languages on the upper right on the front. Shirts can be purchased for $10 each. Sizes are Small through X-Large. To purchase, please contact scohenrichards@pflag.
Support Groups
❗️Note: some support group information has changed since last month
Most support groups will continue to meet virtually until further notice. Check individual group for details. We encourage you to contact your support group facilitator at any time, as they will remain excellent resources for information. The support group locations, dates, and times will continue to be posted on the PFLAG San Diego County Facebook page. You can join in any of the digital meetings. For Zoom links, contact each support group.
Do You Shop On Amazon?
If you have an account with Amazon, you can help our chapter every time you shop. Go to smile.Amazon.com a
Our Vision
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Our Mission
By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through: Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ+; Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ+; Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ+.