The reason we celebrate Gay Pride parade
I had a friend once that asked me why gays needed to have a day in which they flaunted being gay to the rest of the population. She thought that it sent the wrong image and if the LGBT community wanted to gain allies they needed to refrain from this celebration or at the very least tone down the celebration and restrict the skimpy male and female outfits worn by some on the parades.
I at the time did not have an answer for her because my son had just come out to us and told us he was gay, it took a lot of reading and learning about the LGBT community. Now I have the answer for her and anyone else that may think like that.
My husband and I are there for other children whose parents have turned their backs on them, we are there so they can see that their being gay is celebrated by others and not condemned, that being LGBT is normal, that they are normal and fit in with the rest of society, that there are other people that are really “Christian” and accept LGBT people, that other large organizations, and city government officials accept them!
We walked with PFLAG the very first time two years ago, we both marched with our signs that read “Real Christians for same sex marriage” and “What would Jesus do? He would be ok with same sex marriage NO on 8” and “we love both our children gay and straight”. The love we felt from the crowd was just overwhelming, we walked the entire way on a “Love high” and I with tears streaming down my face”, and yes some of the floats had scantily clad young people but it was no different that if they were at the beach, I’ve seen worse on television, the beach, Mardi Gras, etc. There were a lot of children there in the parade and as spectators, this is a family affair and I am never going to miss one of these as long as we need to let other young people know we are here for them, until the day comes when the LGBT community is accepted and not targeted for hate crimes and by the extreme fanatical religious groups. I do hope that the day will come when we don’t need to hold a “Gay Pride parade” but I don’t see that in my lifetime unfortunately so we try to work on one heart and mind at a time.
I am co President of
PFLAG promotes the health and well being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons and their families and friends through Support, to cope with an adverse society; Education, to enlighten an ill informed public; and Advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. PFLAG provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.
I invite anyone to attend and walk with PFLAG in the parade and see for yourselves it is a wonderfully uplifting experience. Last year I went to
Patti Boman