Here is the basic information. If you need to read the actual bill, use the links in this short brief.
Family Equality Council is working to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act, two bill Sue:
Here is the basic information. If you need to read the actual bill, use the links in this short brief.
Family Equality Council is working to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act, two bills currently in Congress that together would prohibit bullying, harassment and discrimination of students because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or because they have LGBT parents or friends. Studies show that LGBT children and children of LGBT parents are among the most vulnerable to bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Without comprehensive protections that specifically list sexual orientation and gender identity, these students are denied equal educational opportunities and are subjected to unhealthy and unsafe school environments on a daily basis. We must take action to stop our children from dying.
Today – October 5, 2010 – is National Safe Schools Day. To ensure that all children have the same opportunity to thrive – which requires that they feel safe, supported and valued in school – help us to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act (in the House and Senate) and the Student Non-Discrimination Act (in the House and Senate) by contacting your legislators and asking them to co-sponsor both of these bills today!
If your child has been the victim of bullying, harassment or discrimination in school, please let us know. Submit your story. Real stories help us to convince legislators that action is desperately needed.
Senator Lautenberg also introduced a new bill that includes specific wording about cyberbullying, making cyberbullying a crime with consequences. I haven’t seen that yet, but it is on the news this morning. Dr. Phil may discuss it this afternoon on his NBC program on this subject, which is being broadcast from the Capitol. It is on at three o’clock here.
Dave Parker, Secretary
PFLAG Greensboro, NC
From: Sue Null []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:22 PM
To: Dave Parker
Subject: SVPA and SNDA
On 10/6/2010 5:36 PM, Dave Parker wrote:
Joan and I are scheduling lobbying visits with our legislators this month; we will be emphasizing the School Violence Protection Act and the School Non-Discrimination Act. All the current press should help!! NOW is the time to push these laws!!
Dave, would you refresh for me (and maybe others) briefly what these two acts deal with? Is the first similar to what passed in NC last year? Who is sponsoring them? What are their chances since we can’t even get DADT repealed and ENDA passed?
Sue Null
s currently in Congress that together would prohibit bullying, harassment and discrimination of students because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or because they have LGBT parents or friends. Studies show that LGBT children and children of LGBT parents are among the most vulnerable to bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Without comprehensive protections that specifically list sexual orientation and gender identity, these students are denied equal educational opportunities and are subjected to unhealthy and unsafe school environments on a daily basis. We must take action to stop our children from dying.
Today – October 5, 2010 – is National Safe Schools Day. To ensure that all children have the same opportunity to thrive – which requires that they feel safe, supported and valued in school – help us to pass the Safe Schools Improvement Act (in the House and Senate) and the Student Non-Discrimination Act (in the House and Senate) by contacting your legislators and asking them to co-sponsor both of these bills today!
If your child has been the victim of bullying, harassment or discrimination in school, please let us know. Submit your story. Real stories help us to convince legislators that action is desperately needed.