Reminder from:   sdtasc Yahoo! Group
Title:   Living Your Truth Trans-Spirituality Support Group
Date:   Monday September 3, 2012
Time:   7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location:   Christ Chapel World Ministries, 3094 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego/CA/92104, 619.436.8729
Notes:   The Trans-Spirituality Support Group meets the 1st Monday of every month from 7pm – 9pm. Come and receive support, encouragement and strength as you grow in your spirituality.

Who we are: Living Your Truth, is a ministry of CCWM and led by PIT Malcolm Whate, an FTM brother. Living Your Truth is for Transsexuals, Inter-Sexuals, Cross-dressers, Transvestites, and all other Trans-identified individuals. Living Your Truth Ministries strives to be inclusive of all as we are all loved by God and are one in Christ.

Please call Malcolm Whate at 619.436.8729 or email him at if you have any questions or simply wish to talk.

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