Next PFLAG San Diego meeting will be Monday May 20, 2013
A quick reminder for those that think our meetings are the last Monday of the month. It is not the last Monday but it is the 4th. Monday of every [Read more]
A quick reminder for those that think our meetings are the last Monday of the month. It is not the last Monday but it is the 4th. Monday of every [Read more]
“Take the Leap” was the theme of the National School Boards Association’s 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition, held April 12-15, 2013. I took the leap on Saturday, the 13th by [Read more]
Why is it that I don't know any close friends or acquaintances from now or from the past 56 years that have LGBTQI kids on a BabyTrend Expedition-Jogger stroller? Why [Read more]
2010 Scholarship Winners PFLAG, San Diego County is pleased to announce the annual Scholarship awards for interested students. Several scholarships of at least $1,000 will be awarded to [Read more]
Hi, Dr. Sears (pediatrician) from the Doctors show on TV recently made these remarks about a young transgender child, and I'm so upset about this that I urge everyone with [Read more]
Representantes de 23 PAÍSES asisten a la Convención: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, EE.UU., El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Puerto [Read more]
Activist and mother, Patti Boman, talks about her gay son and a definitive turning point in her life, which began a journey to her eventual position...
Fifth Convention of the "Asociación Internacional de Familias por la Diversidad Sexual" Lima Peru June 27-30, 2013 Representatives of 23 COUNTRIES will attend: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, [Read more]
Hi, We are still having technical difficulties and not able to help you if you are contacting us through this help line. I hope you will try calling our 888-398-0006 [Read more]
We wish everyone a year filled with Love, Acceptance, Health. No more Bullying No more Tears No More Hate