Transgender coming out Support Group, 8/6/2012, 7:00 pm
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Coming Out Support Group Date: Monday August 6, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location: The [Read more]
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Coming Out Support Group Date: Monday August 6, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location: The [Read more]
>> All this new wave of talk that has been generated by Chick Fill hate has brought back the bad feelings left by the prop 8 campaign. As a Christian [Read more]
Link to original post by Darlene Tando, LCSW The Hunt Finding a good gender therapist for your child can be a daunting task. If you are in the process of [Read more]
PFLAG NATIONAL RESPONDS TO CHICK-FIL-A CONTROVERSYWASHINGTON, DC—PFLAG National (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)—the nation's original family and ally organization, and the largest grassroots-based non-profit for families, friends, [Read more]
I'm adding the following links, number 1 is the original story about this event and the second one is the story reporting the actual event a day later. I [Read more]
Title: Coming Out Support Group Date: Monday July 23, 2012Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pmLocation: The Center, 3909 Centre St, Hillcrest, 92103Notes: Coming out support group open to those 18 and up who are questioning or needing [Read more]
Our July PFLAG Newsletter is now online at: We hope you will join us for our San Diego General Meeting on Mon, July 23 at 7:00 pm at the [Read more]
San Diego Pride Parade Saturday July 21Correction from previous notice: we are contingent #24Hi Friends, Please join us this month at the Pride Parade. Bring comfortable shoes, hats, sunscreen. If you so choose [Read more]
discussion of the documentary Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin Who is Bayard Rustin? Rustin was a true visionary strategist and activist who has been called "the unknown hero" [Read more]
Hi Friends, Please join us this month at the Pride Parade. Bring comfortable shoes, hats, sunscreen. If you so choose to make your supportive statement on a sign and bring [Read more]