El Camino Hacia La Aceptacion
El Camino hacia la aceptación para personas LGBT y sus Familias Estas etapas están basadas en materiales escritos y conversaciones con personas que han tenido la experiencia que a veces [Read more]
El Camino hacia la aceptación para personas LGBT y sus Familias Estas etapas están basadas en materiales escritos y conversaciones con personas que han tenido la experiencia que a veces [Read more]
Easy way to donate, just click and give! We are so excited now to be able to offer the ease of clicking and donating or to pay for memberships through [Read more]
We are at the AIDS Walk 2012, come join us and show your support! The 23rd Annual AIDS Walk/Run to raise money for area groups that help care for [Read more]
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Living Your Truth Trans-Spirituality Support Group Date: Monday September 3, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location: [Read more]
Hello everyone- Just a reminder of this soulful event at The Center this coming Friday, August 31 from 6-9pm. Come hear AND share the poetry and music that's in your [Read more]
Darlene Tando, LCSW posted: "I created this "gender lesson" for teachers to present in schools based on the needs of gender nonconforming children I see in my private practice and [Read more]
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Coming Out Support Group Date: Monday August 20, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location: The [Read more]
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Transgender Harm Reduction Support Group/Luncheon Date: Wednesday August 15, 2012 Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: [Read more]
Reminder from: sdtasc Yahoo! Group Title: Coming Out Support Group Date: Monday August 13, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location: The [Read more]